dissabte, de novembre 12, 2005

Cançons del mes

Cada mes posaré al bloc la lletra de tres cançons que m'agradin. Una en català, una altra en anglès, i una tercera en quasevol llengua que vulgui, no necessàriament en castellà.

Primera entrada

"Crucified", Army of Lovers, Warner Brothers/Wea, 1992.

The Army of Lovers was an excentric Swedish bunch of the campest type. They published a number of albums throughout the 1990s to a rather select international audience. Glam, Kitschy and very Fabulous. Perhaps their better-known hit was 1992's club classic "Crucified", there's been PhD dissertations written on the subject. Its casual lyrics about some sort of mystic ascension border on the casual and the blasphemous, which makes it all the more original and entertaining. The video should not be missed. A gay man in the most provocative sense sings about his god-like behaviour!

CRUCIFIED (Bard /Wollbeck /Barda)

I'm crucified
Crucified like my savior
Saint-like behavior
A lifetime I prayed

I'm crucified
For the holy dimension
God-like ascension
Heavens away

I've seen the deepest darkness
And wrestled with gods
Ride the noble harness
Raining cats and dogs
I stand before my maker
Like Moses on the hill
My Guiness record baker
I abide your will

The first of reciters
I saw eternal light
Best of vocal fighters
Beyond human sight
Where thorns are a teaser
I've played a double jeux
Yherushalaim at Easter
I cry I pray mon dieu
I cry I pray mon dieu

I'm crucified
Crucified like my savior
Saint-like behavior
A lifetime I prayed

I'm crucified
For the holy dimension
God-like ascension
Heavens away

Prophets I've been reading
Stories I've been told
Before I end my breathing
I travel in the soul
Where thorns are a teaser
I've played a double jeux
Yherushalaim at easter
I cry I pray mon dieu
I cry I pray mon dieu
I cry I pray mon dieu

Adieu mon dieu

I'm crucified
Crucified like my savior
Saint-like behavior
A lifetime I prayed

I'm crucified
For the holy dimension
God-like ascension
Heavens away

I'm crucified
for the holy dimension
God-like ascension
Heavens away

I'm crucified
Crucified like my savior
Saint-like behavior
A lifetime I prayed

I'm crucified
For the holy dimension
God-like ascension
Heavens away