dimarts, de juliol 04, 2006

Did We Really Lose?

By one point only, it seems we have a new president, and not the right one. The Right has done it. It succesfully managed to scare, shock and awe the bulk of the Mexican brainless Middle-Classes into thinking that only them can be a good government. The Extreme Right has come into power. I feel a bit of a combination of sadness and anger, yet, I know that Mexicans are a people that resent any sort of change. Most Mexicans then feel happy to remain a chained people. They've learned to love the masters that keep them on their knees. And therefore, if this result turns out to be valid, they will certainly have voted the kind of rulers they deserve. I'm at peace, my family and close friends are all thinking people and voted for the choice they knew would give hope. As I always do, I will regroup, put myself together and fight back. Although perhaps not here, it seems to me that Mexicans have finally shown what they are really made of. And that material is certainly not gold. Could be even less than cheap metal.