diumenge, de novembre 11, 2007

Corruption, climate change and plain bad luck: Tabasco

It seems we have to get used to it. To suddenly have the whole country in dispair because neglect, and the climate circumstances currently going on have left a million Mexicans with no home, or with a flooded one or both, and with no immediate source of income or insurance or anything of the sort. Also, as always we have to deal with a State corrupted to the bone, with governments coming and going, but with public servants uncapable of looking beyond their tenure and plan ahead. We've had dozens of Tabascos, and surely more are waiting to be listed. We have lists of tragedies, thousands of dead. And at least half of the country still acts like there's nothing going on. Let's see, we've had earthquakes, explotions, floods, hurricanes, guerrillas and everything in between. What's next? more rounds of the former and perhaps enhanced forms of the latter. But as always, we'll carry on. Civil servants will come and go. And then there'll be no more worrying. Living for the moment. Who cares if we lose everything in the future.