I am tired of my multiple fictitious worlds.
-I am tired of my calculated career moves
-I am tired of pretending I'm optimistic, forsch und selbstbewußt.
-I am tired of the endless conversations I engage in to obtain benefits.
Estic cansat de la meva malaltia.
-I am tired of hating my looks in the mirror.
-I am tired of feeling disgust for my own dick.
Estic cansat de desitjar.
-I am tired of lusting for the str8 silly billies I meet every now and then.
Estic cansat de ser tan covard.
-I am tired of my putting on a show of grace.
Estic cansat de la meva impossibilitat de canviar de debó.
-I am tired of thinking less of people with just an average intelligence.
Estic cansat de la meva luxúria.
-I am tired of masturbating to hot-ass rimming.
Estic cansat de perdre i haver de llevar-me una vegada més.
Estic cansat del pseudoBudisme.
Estic cansat de les meves fantasies.
Estic cansat de la gent.
Estic cansat de la família.
Estic cansat de Mèxic.
-I am ashamed of your self-pity.
-I am ashamed about your inferiority complex.
-I am tired of looking at those long expressionless dark faces.
-I am tired of your always looking for approval.
Estic cansat de tractar de fugir.
Estic cansat de somniar.
Estic cansat de planejar.
Estic cansat de la història.
Estic cansat de l'art.
Estic cansat dels meus alumnes.
Mèxic. Si tan sols poguessis fer-te un auto-exorcisme.
Francesc, vull ficar-me als teus pantalons.
Marina Abramovic, you go girl!
Lluiset, mai ho sabràs. Em fas sentir. Em fas voler. Em fas patir.
Alejandra, grow up u stubborn woman!
Nandavajra. Te trobo en falta.
FWBO. No comments.
Catalunya. Triomfant. Quina llàstima que hi visquin los Catalanes.
Drugs, Rock&Roll, Bad Ass, Vegas Whores. Shiny Disco Balls!
Mami. Te equivocaste. Lo hiciste muy muy mal. Pero gracias anyway.
Edmundo O'Gorman, you go girl!
I want not to want anymore.
I shall practice resignation (?).
I will swallow my pride.
I will lick my wounds.
Take a deep breath.
Dope my self in dope.
Acceptance, Resignation.
Start over. Reset.
I am tired of...
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