dilluns, de desembre 12, 2005

Semi-officially off...

It's been ages since I've last posted anything in English, right? Today's December 12, therefore not any day in Mexican life, for some days now many have been involved in the celebrations of the Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico's patron saint, and imposed Catholic empress of the Americas. While half of the country might care about the whole thing, the other half is probably just living a semi-official long weekend. Many offices opted to give their workers the day off, and in most of the government the employees themselves decided against going to work. This morning I failed to wake up early for an engagement with a friend and have been feeling rather lazy all day long. Manic Monday. In this mood I've listened a good 68 times to my current favorite song, "Supermen" by Merlin and Joksimovic. My serbo-croatian is improving steadily I guess, LOL, if I could only know what is it that I'm singing. Also, I've been observing my reaction to the very open displays of faith and hope about the Guadalupe. I've reached a point where I really seem not to care at all for the whole thing. It must be quite bizarre to come to Mexico only to find that entire neighbourhoods were unable to sleep duiring the nite because of the intense fireworks accompanying the celebration. Then came the services and hordes of men and women carrying torches nowhere. Catholic spirituality became a thing of public fanfare in Trent and it still shows. Later this afternoon I think I'll go catch a movie or will buy some pornos or whatever suits my boredom best.