dimecres, de novembre 30, 2005

Cosas nostálgicas: un ensayo sobre Botero

Lo escribí hace muuuuchos años, en 2001, pero todavía se lee bien. :-)

Visión pictórica

Tuvo que inventarse su propia pintura, puesto que nunca tuvo a nadie que se la revelara, su maestra ha sido la Historia del Arte y sus indagaciones personales. Se define como autodidacta. Llego a la conclusión que la pintura es color, además de que necesita de formas. También existe un tema, y la combinación produce al final una expresión.

Después de sus estudios en Italia (vid. influencias determinantes) se acentuó su deseo por lo “enorme, fuerte y monumental”. Al principio quería incluirlo todo aquello que admiraba, pero después aprendió que al utilizar menos se expresa más.

Al realizar la mandolina (“Naturaleza muerta con mandolina”, 1956), después de aquella pieza, sintió que su mundo logró expandirse. Pasó a las figuras y de pronto fue creando un universo de formas grandes, que encontraban un superlativo en los detalles pequeños, mismos cuyo objetivo es no disturbar a los grandes volúmenes.

Botero define la forma como la visión que tiene de la naturaleza (excluyendo el color). Es una exaltación de la realidad, del volumen; sensualidad. Una visión que debe ser siempre diferente. Asimismo, define el color como la parte definitoria de la pintura, el color produce paz porque da equilibrio a la composición, cada parte tiene balance gracias al color. En términos de volumen: “Son formas amplias que responden al deseo de crear grandes campos de color. Esa dilatación encierra un deseo de expresarme a través del color en una manera contundente.” El maestro sentencia que en el gran arte todo está en calma, aun las figuras que se encuentran en movimiento.

Le disgustan las sombras, puesto que ensucian o destruyen la idea de plasmar el color tal y como le interesan. Al pintar nunca piensa que el color venga de afuera; usa un mínimo de sobras de tonos oscuros porque necesita reforzar la idea de volumen. Disgusta de luz exterior por considerarla antipictórica. Para él, lo único que existe es la forma y el color interior. En su pintura nada es gratuito, todo es necesario.


Botero pinta lo que conoce, y eso tiene raíces en la infancia y la adolescencia, es el mundo fundamental que pinta. Pese a que ha vivido durante muchos años en Francia o Estados Unidos, no gusta de pintar un tema norteamericano o europeo. Se dan algunos personajes europeos, mas estos tienen que ver con recuerdos de ilustraciones en libros.

Realiza un boceto rápido donde organiza la idea básica; hace una cuadrícula mínima en la tela, utiliza tiza blanca para situar la composición. No pinta con caballete, sino que cuelga la tela sobre la pared; utiliza telas de color salmón, preferentemente.

Desde su juventud buscaba la monumentalidad, le llamaba la atención la desproporción, en la cual se sentía cómodo y mediante la cual entendía al arte como la transformación de la naturaleza. En este periodo de su vida se vio influido por el periodo azul y rosa de Picasso; por la monumentalidad de algunas piezas de Orozco, y después por Van Gogh y Gauguin.

Le interesan las cosas inesperadas, lo improbable. En ocasionas pinta con el tema de los prostíbulos, y esto se debe a que en Medellín otrora existía una zona de tolerancia, misma que le parecía bastante animada, como una zona de carnaval, donde no se daba la distinción de clases sociales.

No le interesa representar la condición humana, le interesa la figura humano en tanto posibilidad compositiva; sus personajes no tienen dimensión humana. Todos provienen de un prototipo que él inventó, prototipo cuyo objetivo es quitarle dimensión moral o psicológica al personaje, son entes sin alma. “Lo que hago se encuentra cerca de la abstracción sin serlo. Digamos que creo en una actitud abstracta. Veo mi figuración como una figuración abstracta.”
Piero della Francesca y el Quattrocento:

“En Arezzo encontré la esencia del clasicismo de Piero della Francesca; me asombró como este gran artista obtenía la plenitud de la forma, la organización del espacio y la perfecta armonía cromática.”

“Sus figuras serenas me daban el sentido de eternidad y perfección.” El color amalgamado con la forma se convertía en una abstracción ideal. La línea muy baja del horizonte permitía la majestuosidad. La teoría sobre la síntesis forma-color significaba el volumen en la perspectiva sin el recurso de la sombra. Piero della Francesca logró dar una idea total sobre el volumen, asó os colores casi planos ocupaban espacios y producían un aspecto cromático. El paisaje comenzaba a tener contacto con la realidad. Tal vez son los primeros de la historia del arte que no son imaginarios.

Hieratismo: Con respecto a la quietud en las pinturas de Botero, de della Francesca aprendió la sugerencia de quietud. Le gusta el hieratismo, interpreta que hay mucha insinuación en el momento paralizado. Le atrae la mirada vacía; es una mirada ausente puesto que no está de acuerdo con que los personajes miren al espectador, ya que la mirada no permite observar el resto del cuadro.

Estrabismo: los bizcos en sus cuadros miran hacia su interior y hacia afuera, gusta de la mirada desordenada, mirar sin mirar, a veces lo hace para divertirse y otras para quitarle solemnidad al cuadro. No le cree en eso de darle una personalidad al retratado.

Fuentes: constantes en las entrevistas que ha dado en la década de los noventa.
Obras recomendadas:
Catálogo de exposición "Donación Botero", Museo de Antioquia.
Mario Varga Llosa, "Botero"
Catálogo "Botero; nuevas obras sobre lienzo"

How Do You Live your Life?

How You Life Your Life
You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.You say whatever is on your mind. Other people's reactions don't phase you.You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences.You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable.
How Do You Live Your Life?

dilluns, de novembre 28, 2005

God quizzing

This circulated a few years ago, I still find it very amusing :-)

God would like to thank you for your belief and patronage.
In order to better serve your needs, [S]He asks that you take a few moments to answer the following questions.
1. How did you find out about your deity?
__ Newspaper
__ Bible
__ Torah
__ Television
__ Book of Mormon
__ Divine Inspiration
__ Dead Sea Scrolls
__ My Mama Told Me
__ Near Death Experience
__ Near Life Experience
__ National Public Radio
__ Tabloid
__ Burning Shrubbery
Other (specify): _____________
2. Which model deity did you acquire?
__ Jehovah
__ Jesus
__ Allah
__ Krishna
__ Buddha
__ Father, Son, & Holy Ghost [Trinity Pak]
__ Brahma, Vishnu, & Siva [Trimurti Pak]
__ Mawu/Olorun & Obatala [Vodun Loa Pak]
__ Zeus and entourage [Olympus Pak]
__ Odin and entourage [Valhalla Pak]
__ Satan
__ Gaia/Mother Earth/Mother Nature
__ God 1.0a (Hairy Thunderer)
__ God 1.0b (Cosmic Muffin)
__ None of the above, I was taken in by a false god
3. Did your God come to you undamaged, with all parts in good workingorder and with no obvious breakage or missing attributes?
__ Yes
__ No
If no, please describe the problems you initially encountered here.Please indicate all that apply:
__ Not eternal
__ Finite in space/Does not occupy or inhabit the entire cosmos
__ Not omniscient
__ Not omnipotent
__ Not infinitely plastic (incapable of being all things to all creations)
__ Permits sex outside of marriage
__ Prohibits sex outside of marriage
__ Makes mistakes
__ Makes or permits bad things to happen to good people
__ Makes or permits good things to happen to bad people
__ Looks after life other than that on Earth
__ When beseeched, doesn't stay beseeched
__ Requires burnt offerings
__ Requires virgin sacrifices
4. What factors were relevant in your decision to acquire a deity?Please check all that apply.
__ Indoctrinated by parents
__ Needed a reason to live
__ Indoctrinated by society
__ Needed focus in whom to despise
__ Needed focus in whom to love
__ Imaginary friend grew up
__ Hate to think for myself
__ Wanted to meet girls/boys in church
__ Fear of death
__ Wanted to piss off parents
__ Wanted to please parents
__ Needed a day away from school or work
__ Desperate need for certainty
__ Like organ music
__ Need to feel morally superior
__ Thought Jerry Falwell was cool
__ Thought there had to be something other than Jerry Falwell
__ Sh_t was falling out of the sky
__ My shrubbery caught fire and told me to do it
5. Have you ever worshipped a deity before? If so, which false godwere you fooled by? Please check all that apply.
__ Baal
__ The Almighty Dollar
__ Left Wing Liberalism
__ The Radical Right
__ Amon Ra
__ Beelzebub
__ Bill Gates
__ Barney The Big Purple Dinosaur
__ The Great Spirit
__ The Great Pumpkin
__ The Sun
__ The Moon
__ The Force
__ Cindy Crawford
__ Elvis
__ A burning shrub
__ Psychiatry
__ Other: ________________
6. Are you currently using any other source of inspiration in additionto God? Please check all that apply.
__ Tarot
__ Lottery
__ Astrology
__ Television
__ Fortune cookies
__ Ann Landers
__ Psychic Friends Network
__ Dianetics
__ Kabbalah
__ Palmistry
__ Playboy and/or Playgirl
__ Self-help books
__ Sex, drugs, and rock & roll
__ Biorhythms
__ Alcohol
__ Marijuana
__ Bill Clinton
__ Tea Leaves
__ EST
__ Amway
__ CompuServe
__ Mantras
__ Jimmy Swaggert
__ Crystals
__ Human sacrifice
__ Pyramids
__ Wandering around a desert
__ Insurance policies
__ Burning shrubbery
__ Barney T.B.P.D.
__ Barney Fife
__ Other:_____________________
__ None
7. God reputedly employs a limited degree of Divine Intervention to preserve a balanced level of felt presence and blind faith. Which wouldyou prefer? Circle one below:
a. More Divine Intervention
b. Less Divine Intervention
c. Current level of Divine Intervention is just right
d. Don't know.
e. What's Divine Intervention?
8. God also reputedly attempts to maintain a balanced level of disasters and miracles. Please rate on a scale of 1 - 5 your opinion of thehandling of the following (1 = unsatisfactory, 5 = excellent):
a. Disasters:1 2 3 4 5
flood1 2 3 4 5
famine1 2 3 4 5
earthquake1 2 3 4 5
war & holocausts1 2 3 4 5
pestilence1 2 3 4 5
plague1 2 3 4 5
Spam1 2 3 4 5
b. Miracles:1 2 3 4 5
rescues1 2 3 4 5
spontaneous remissions1 2 3 4 5
stars hovering over tiny town & previously unknown hamlets1 2 3 4 5
crying statues1 2 3 4 5
water changing to wine1 2 3 4 5
walking on water1 2 3 4 5 c
oincidence of any sort1 2 3 4 5
getting any sex whatsoever
9. From time to time God reputedly makes available the names and addresses of His followers and devotees to selected reputedly divine personages who provide quality services and perform intercessions in His behalf. Are you interested in a compilation of listed offerings?
__ Yes, please deluge me with religious zealots for the benefit of myown mortal soul
__ No, I do not wish to be inundated by religious fanatics clamouringfor my money
10. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for improving the quality of God's services?(Attach an additional sheet if necessary)


Cute Animal Quiz

You Are A: Kitten!

kitty catCute as can be, kittens are playful, mischevious, and ever-curious. Like you, kittens hate getting wet. Kittens are often loving, but are known to scratch or bite when annoyed. These adorable animals are the most popular pets in the United States--37% of American households have at least one cat. Whether it is your gentle purr or your disarming appearance, you make a wonderful kitten.

You were almost a: Bear Cub or a Turtle
You are least like a: Monkey or a SquirrelWhat Cute Animal Are You?

Dating trouble...

Dating StrengthsDating Weaknesses
1. Intelligence - 71.4%
2. Spirituality - 69.2%
3. Financial Situation - 61.5%
4. Sense of Humor - 57.1%
5. Open-Mindedness - 54.5%
1. Appearance - 88.9%
2. Shyness - 70.8%
3. Insecurity - 53.8%
4. Lack of Essentials - 50%
5. Temper - 25%

Dating Strengths Explained
Intelligence - Your sharp intellect is a valuable asset. Use your intelligence wisely; avoid condescension. Quiet, confident intelligence is very attractive.
Spirituality - Your spiritual side brings you peace and balance, and keeps you grounded. This is attractive, as you can help reinforce this quality in other people.
Financial Situation - You've got your financial situation under control, which is a very desirable quality. Be careful to avoid men who are only interested in your money.
Sense of Humor - Men are attracted to people with a good sense of humor. Be sure to put yours on display!
Open-Mindedness - You are open to trying new things and entertaining new ideas, and this widens your pool of available men.
Dating Weaknesses Explained
Appearance - Devoting a greater effort at making good first impressions is a must. Try to be fit and develop a style if you want to catch a man's attention.
Shyness - You know all too well the limits shyness places on you. Putting yourself out there in social situations may be difficult, but essential to your dating success.
Insecurity - Your insecurity makes you doubt yourself, but you must learn to love and trust yourself if you want to succeed in dating.
Lack of Essentials - Dating is difficult for you because you lack certain key things, which may include private space, a car, money, or a nice wardrobe. Work toward obtaining these essentials!
Temper - You need to work on controlling your temper. Don't let your anger get the best of you. A calm and rational persona is important when dating.
What Are Your Dating Strengths and Weaknesses?

Your Life, Rated

This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 5.2
Mind: 5.8
Body: 2.9
Spirit: 5.4
Friends/Family: 4.4
Love: 0
Finance: 6.1
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

diumenge, de novembre 27, 2005


Sunday night. I'm surfing the web looking for a couple of historians and for some reason I end up at the tribute website for the deceased employees of the Cantor Fitzgerald firm in New York, who happened to die at the September 11 attacks. First a bit nonchanlant about the thing I start to read, and read a bit more. So much pain. So much hope for them to be in a good place. The web gives us the opportunity to mourn electronically, to express our feelings and perhaps to help us purge them a bit. I read for about 30 minutes, then I stop, it's beginning to be too much. I invent a prayer to the skies, sing mentally the mantra of Vajrasattva, I do genuinely hope these people, who died horrible deaths, are indeed in a better place.
Today I felt old, worn out, but yet looking forward to tomorrow. I have all these big ideas: I keep thinking I should move to the "power places" to the A-Countries where the big decisions are being made, where, specifically in my field, the big news are happening. Only my pal Paulo and my grandfather seem to fully understand what I'm saying. We have great art historians in Mexico, interesting, thought-provoking people who are truly showing us what it means to be a historian, yet, with all due respect, where are they internationally speaking? who is writing theses under their methodologies? Perhaps south in Latin America there might be a person or two, and that's it. Our great Art Historians are non-factors in the larger scheme of things. Sad but true. My at times voraciously ambitious self tells me to go with the wind. To be not the same, yet, will I ever be able to scape the conditioning of where I'm from? Will I have the courage, will and resiliance to carry on with my Academic plans? Am I good enough at all? These questions come to me at night and haunt me throughout the day. The US, UK or so could very well mean the upgrading of my employability, which I should say, is definetely one of my goals. At least to be a A-lister in this Third World Land. We shall wait and see.

What Kind of Seducer Are You?

Your Seduction Style: Au Natural

You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.
You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world.Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in.You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?
You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways.Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you.As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you.

What Kind of Seducer Are You?

divendres, de novembre 25, 2005

Habla Don Erasmo

Todavía me cago de la risa con el Elogio de la locura de Erasmo de Rotterdam. Fino, directo y brutal a la vez. El siguiente pasaje lo leí a las niñas de estudios de género y también se descojonaron.
Capítulo XVII

Por lo demás, dado que el varón está destinado a gobernar las cosas de la vida, tenía que otorgársele algo más del adarme de razón concedido, a fin de que tomase resoluciones dignas de él. Se me llamó a consejo junto con los demás y lo di al punto, y digno de mí: Que se le juntase con una mujer, animal ciertamente estulto y necio, pero gracioso y placentero, de modo que su compañía [42] en el hogar sazone y endulce con su estupidez la tristeza del carácter varonil. Y así Platón, al parecer dudar en qué género colocar a la mujer, si entre los animales racionales o entre los brutos, no quiso otra cosa que significar la insigne estupidez de este sexo.

Si, por casualidad, alguna mujer quisiese ser tenida por sabia, no conseguiría sino ser doblemente estulta, al modo de aquel que, pese a Minerva, se empeñase en hacer entrar a un buey en la palestra, según dice el proverbio. Efectivamente, duplica su defecto aquel que en contra de la naturaleza desvía su inclinación y remeda el aspecto de la aptitud. Del mismo modo que, conforme al proverbio griego, «aunque la mona se vista de púrpura, mona se queda», así la mujer será siempre mujer; es decir, estúpida, sea cual fuere el disfraz que adopte.

Sin embargo, no creo que el género femenino llegue a ser tan estúpido que me censure por el hecho de que otra mujer, la Estulticia en persona, les reproche la estupidez. Pues si consideran juiciosamente la cuestión, verán que deben a la Estulticia el tener más suerte que los hombres en muchos casos.

Tienen, primeramente, el encanto de la hermosura, que, justificadamente, anteponen a todas las cosas, puesto que, por su virtud, tiranizan hasta a los mismos tiranos. ¿De dónde proceden lo desgraciado del aspecto, el cutis híspido y la espesura de la barba, que dan al varón aspecto de viejo, sino del vicio de la prudencia, mientras que la mujer conserva las mejillas tersas, la voz fina, el cutis delicado, remedo de perpetua juventud?

En segundo lugar, ¿qué otra cosa desean en esta vida más que complacer a los hombres en grado máximo? ¿A qué miran, si no, tantos adornos, tintes, baños, afeites, ungüentos, perfumes, tanto arte en componerse, pintarse y disfrazar el rostro, los ojos y el cutis? Así, pues, ¿qué las recomienda a los hombres más que la necedad? ¿Hay algo que éstos no les toleren? ¿Y a cambio de qué halago, sino de la voluptuosidad? Se deleitan, por consiguiente, sólo en la estulticia y de ello son argumento, piense cada cual lo que quiera, las tonterías que le dice el hombre a la mujer y las ridiculeces que hace cada vez que se propone disfrutar de ella.

Ya sabéis, por tanto, el primero y principal placer de la vida y la fuente de que mana.


dijous, de novembre 24, 2005

Sobre un diàleg de Plató

Fa uns anys que vaig haver de fer un assaig sobre el tema, i tot que ara trobo algunes de les meves idees més aviat immadures, i fins i tot, tendres, poso aquí aquella conversa amb mi mateix.... I perdoneu el català tan estrany que hi utilitzo però vaig escriure-ho tot originalment en castellà.

Hípies Major o de la Bellesa - Primera Part
Diàleg de Plató
Hípies, com la resta dels sofistes, era un filòsof que es considerava savi, tal i com el seu nom indica. La saviesa era considerada per ells com a un art. Cobraven pels seus ensenyaments i viatjaven molt, tot coneixent diverses societats, costums i opinions, la qual cosa tenia com a resultat la coneguda característica subjectiva i relativa dels sofistes. Fins i tot es dedicaven a les relacions públiques, negocis, comerç i qualsevol altra activitat que produïra diners.

Aquesta gent opinava que tot i que existís resposta a les qüestions filosòfiques, els éssers humans no serien capaços de trobar-ne respostes plenes o segures, i per tant esdevenien també en escèptics. De la mateixa manera que el pensador Protàgores, creien que havia de valorar les coses en relació amb les necessitats de cadascú d’acord amb el seu temps i la seva societat.

Sòcrates no va deixar res escrit, no obstant això el coneixem gràcies a autors com Plató i ha estat influent al pensament europeu, particularment pels seguidors i estudiosos de l’obra platònica. Plató tenia en bon concepte i admiració l’obra del mestre Sòcrates, a qui veia com a una persona inusual tenint en compte que cercava una veritat absoluta. Per això Plató utilitza en molts dels seus diàlegs la veu de Sòcrates com a portaveu. A més a més, aquest vell mestre utilitzava la dialèctica com a eina per arribar a la veritat. Sòcrates no tenia l’objectiu d’ensenyar assumint el paper de “mestre”, sinó que feia l’esforç de provocar als interlocutors a la reflexió i la raó, sobre el tema que estigués sobre la taula. El filòsof feia com si no sabés cap cosa sobre el tema, tot conversant i fent com si volgués aprendre quelcom que mai havia sabut abans. Durant la conversa feia servir un recurs molt interessant: a traves de resumir i concloure les premisses de l’interlocutor, el feia veure els seus propis errors de raonament.
Aquest mètode és conegut com la “ironia socràtica”. Solia ésser una mica irritant conversar amb Sòcrates, atés que hi havia gent que s’emprenyava per acabar en ridícul, o que sentia que així havia acabat. Cal tenir en compte que el filòsof portava al seu conversador a refutar les seves primeres conclusions, sent així que els sil.logismes que en Sòcrates feia portaven l’interlocutor cap a la contradicció.

En aquest diàleg. Plató presenta l’Hípies com a un savi, alhora que ell mateix es creu que el que diu és veritat. Encara que al desenvolupament del diàleg es mostra com un agnòstic, això vol dir que no es pronunciava clarament sobre les preguntes fetes per Sòcrates, al mateix temps no es presenta com a un dialogant segur de les seves afirmacions. Hípies arriba a desesperar-se de les preguntes que el filòsof li feia. Li va dir que les qüestions que vol tractar amb ell són necieses innecessàries. L’Hípies no pot admetre que els seus judicis són equivocats i fa com si de debò fos segur i convençut de les seves idees.

Plató escriu que un home li havia demanat que l’expliqués en què consistia la bellesa, i, sent que no en sabia la resposta, va fer el ridícul. Per això, Sòcrates va anar amb Hípias per a que el digués de què va el concepte, amb l’objectiu d’arribar a definir un concepte adient per la idea de bellesa, Potser Sòcrates es riu d’ell mateix i només està fent servir la seva dialèctica irònica amb l’objectiu de fer pensar al savi Hípies.

Ja dintre del diàleg i el tema de la bellesa, Hípies diu: “De manera que la justícia és justa per conducte de la justícia i la saviesa és sàvia a través de la saviesa, la bellesa és bella per conducte de la bellesa, per tant, la bellesa és una cosa en si”. La idea exposada potser no arriba a ser una definició, en virtut de què no especifica gens sobre el fenomen o la ontologia de la bellesa, només diu que apareix i ja està. És probable que les preguntes més interessants sobre el tema siguin qui pot definir què és la bellesa? o el seu contrari, què és la lletjor?

How Do People See You?

Slow and Steady

Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.

They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.

It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.

They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.

dimarts, de novembre 22, 2005

Tema de l'any: el poder

Aquest any m'he quedat un xic enganxat al tema del poder i les seves estructures. Me n'he informat bastant des del punt de vista de les visions postestructuralistes, especialment amb Michel Foucault. Mes rere mes, trobo més coses, més accions i formes que em recorden sobre la particularment opresiva manera de ser de la societat mexicana, i també haig de reconéixer que em costa molt acceptar capdalment que el poder mondial és una cosa dels angloparlants del nord. Pel cap alt podem somniar d'accedir al poder a un nivell local i descaradament tercermondista. També, és un fet dolorós que els millors recursos i les més importants epistemologies sobre la història de l'art siguin o americanes o angleses. La llista d'estudis més importants sempre passa per u o l'altre. Què s'hi pot fer? Trobo que seria més saludable tractar de manera antropofàgica el problema: vull dir, la directa apropriació dels models americans i anglesos de pensament per convertir-los en una cosa pròpia, es a dir, per a desangloxasonitzar allò que és més anglès. També, pot ser anar-hi, ser-hi on els podersos manen podria ajudar. Com dirien alguns, viure entre els enemics, aprendre'n tot el que calgui, i després marxar amb armes més poderosas. Ja veurem.

diumenge, de novembre 20, 2005

Quin cap de setmana més llarg

M'he quedat a casa tot el cap de setmana per una raó principal: estic refredat i la gola em tortura tostemps. N'hi ha però, d'altres raons. En primer lloc, no he pogut fer la feina del seminari de paleografia al qual anava i per tant no vaig voler anar-hi. N'havia fet algunes coses, però de cap manera tot el que calia. Merda. Després, la segona cosa la qual m'ha sortit malament ha estat la recollida de papers que havia de fet pel projecte de recerca. Simplement no hi vaig tenir temps. Ja faig massa. I la tercera raó, torno a experimentar un tipus de por (o potser estupor) per totes les coses socials. Es gasta massa, s'hi inverteix molta energia i al final, què? Tot i això, visc una contradicció més aviat forta. Quan sopo tot sol al restaurant italià o quan vaig pel Metrobús, experimento més sovint que no una forta enveja envers la gent que hi és. Amb la xicota, o la colla o el que sigui.Quina és la meva colla? De debó en tinc una? No ho sé. Com sempre, trobo pensaments per justificar-me a mi mateix, l'altre dia anava pensant: na, els genis sempre som solitaris. Una altra veritat és que tampoc tinc gaires coses boniques per dur als llocs de moda o als locals tan pretenciosos de la "meva" classe social. És una llauna tot allò. Canviant de tema, aquest cap de setmana ha tornat un sentiment que mai em deixa de tot: una petita desesperació per no acabar bé els projectes que començo, sempre enllesteixo dient, ay, Marc, Merda, per què no acabes això?! o allò! o el que tingui devant. Merda, merda, merda.
Aquesta nit han passat un altre capítol de "Rome", la sèrie d'HBO. I dic "Rome" per què n'hi ha coses que s'han de dir, en anglès. Avui la història va tractar l'assumpte del viatge de Cèsar a Egipte i la Cleopatra i tot aquest afer prou conegut. Els locals semblaven ben contextualitzats, els egipcis amb llurs perruques (de debó que mai ha hagut un poble tan chic com els egipcis), a més a més que es veien diferents grups racials, i la cosa feia clar que la gent d'allà era morena. Ara, els nostres estimats romans de "Rome" parlen tots, sense excepció amb accents més adients al Chestenham Ladies' College de Londres que a la península italiana. Els romans d'HBO i la BBC són uns rossos meravellosos, bàrbars! dirien els romans d'antany. Quina ironia, són actors descendents de bàrbars qui avui dia fan de romans! Els protagonistes, segons jo, no representen gens ni mica la realitat racial dels antics habitants de Roma. Però, que s'hi pot fer? Som a un món depressivamente anglo-saxó. Dominat fins als ossos per la cultura, llengua i modus vivendi dels nord-americans i els seus wannabes, els altres angloparlants. És clar, només els medis americans i anglesos tenen $100 milions per produir i reproduir i tornar a la vida l'antiga Roma, i queda claríssim que qui paga mana, aleshores, la Roma republicana ha estat repensada gairebé com la gran Anglosaxònia. Els esclaus de la Cleopatra sí que poden sortir morenos, ans els esclaus d'aquesta Roma anglesa semblen haver sortit de Dorset i no pas d'altres llocs. Amb tot això no vull dir que el programa sigui dolent, ben al contrari, hi estic completament enganxat, però també cal reconéixer quan determinats estem per les estructures de poder, les quals avui dia parlen anglès.

divendres, de novembre 18, 2005

Just one touch...

Due to my studies on literature and gender, I’ve come across lots of literature I would have never thought to have read, I’ve been too focused on traditional Art History discourses for a long time. Our seminar leader on Fashion and Construction of Gendered Identities brought about the subject of desire, specially transgression and its desire. The theorization became too much for me after a while, however, in order to keep somewhat focused, I started to write for myself a list of the type of music I’d love to use as background for sex, or music I have actually come to use for such purpose. Just today, I went shopping and got for myself the new Madonna CD, which contains a song that manages to push the right buttons. It’s simple and dull if listened closely, but “Forbidden Love” is a track which comes very close to my experience, in the sense that I have this inclination for moments, that is, for images that will stay in my head, and out of which my fantasies will arise. Just one touch, just one kiss, just one look, just a little tiny smile, directed at me… So, the list of my fave music to screw to comes as follow:

Mea Culpa, Catholic Version (Enigma) To this day I love the contrast between the timeless chants of the background and the sexual tone of the French lyrics in the front. The intention is obviously sexual, and for some reason I find deeply arousing the idea of sexual craving, monks chanting Gregorian and telling someone, prens moi, je suis à toi. I’ve had sex with this in the background.

Da Funk (Daft Punk) I’ve never materialized this fantasy: to strip to “Da Funk”. If I remember correctly, this song was written as if it were the soundtrack of a cop series or something, but instead it came across as an unintentionally highly erotic anthem for all those who were lucky enough to rave to the track in 1998 or ’99 even. To me this piece is all about sex, and getting it on.

Live aus Berlin (Ramms+ein) We should have accepted and embraced these Germans as a fashionable, interesting rock group, however, many still view them as subversive and too much for mainstream fame. I like their music, but much more interestingly, I like to get it on to their music, I feel a deep homoerotic connection to Ramms+ein and their incendiary visual discourse, which is quite inoffensive if one thinks about it really. I love the open perversion of their lyrics and their hard bodies and bulges and the accent.

Future (Halo Varga) This tracks takes me to many places: Newcastle, London, Valencia, Copenhaguen… I’ve had with me all around the world. I love the way it evolves and how you can’t help get hooked to it. And whenever I’m feeling a bit anxious, I just put it on, relax and touch myself.

How Boyish or Girlish Are You?

You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

Avui, poesia

Faig l'esforç de no percebre res, de no involucrar-me amb els problemes, idees, passions i coses de la relació Espanya-Catalunya, però no hi tinc gaire èxit. Per avui només repeteixo la reflexió d'en Joan Maragall, L'oda a Espanya.

Oda a Espanya

Escolta, Espanya, - la veu d'un fill
que et parla en llengua - no castellana;
parlo en la llengua - que m'ha donat
la terra aspra:
en'questa llengua - pocs t'han parlat;
en l'altra, massa.

T'han parlat massa - dels saguntins
i dels que per la pàtria moren:
les teves glòries - i els teus records,
records i glòries - només de morts:
has viscut trista.

Jo vui parlar-te - molt altrament.
Per què vessar la sang inútil?
Dins de les venes - vida és la sang,
vida pels d'ara - i pels que vindran:
vessada és morta.

Massa pensaves - en ton honor
i massa poc en el teu viure:
tràgica duies - a morts els fills,
te satisfeies - d'honres mortals,
i eren tes festes - els funerals,
oh trista Espanya!

Jo he vist els barcos - marxar replens
dels fills que duies - a que morissin:
somrients marxaven - cap a l'atzar;
i tu cantaves - vora del mar
com una folla.

On són els barcos? - On són els fills?
Pregunta-ho al Ponent i a l'ona brava:
tot ho perderes, - no tens ningú.
Espanya, Espanya, - retorna en tu,
arrenca el plor de mare!

Salva't, oh!, salva't - de tant de mal;
que el plor et torni feconda, alegre i viva;
pensa en la vida que tens entorn:
aixeca el front,
somriu als set colors que hi ha en els núvols.

On ets, Espanya? - no et veig enlloc,
No sents la meva veu atronadora?
No entens aquesta llengua - que et parla entre perills?
Has desaprès d'entendre an els teus fills?
Adéu, Espanya!

dijous, de novembre 17, 2005

Fresh quotes to go through the day

"Believe nothing, O monks, merely because you have been told it ... or because it is traditional, or because you yourselves have imagined it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings -- that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide"

Something very close to what the Buddha said

"Every pulpit is a pillory, in which stands a hired culprit, defending the justice of his own imprisonment"

Robert Green Ingersoll

"A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side"


"I cannot be angry at God, in whom I do not believe"

Simone de Beauvoir

"As for myself, I do not believe that such a person as Jesus Christ ever existed; but as the people are inclined to superstition, it is proper not to oppose them"

"I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get"

"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich"

Napoleon Bonaparte

dimecres, de novembre 16, 2005

Third song of the month

There's been a song which has made me dance and sing, get up and do my thing for many many years. The somewhat famous and very fabulous "Rasputin", by the very wonderful folks of Boney M. Let's face it, Boney M's music won't be remembered for its deep and thought-provoking messages, for its superlative arrangements, or the virtuosity of its singers, but who cares! Boney M's song were meant to be enjoyed and rejoiced about. In 1988, while still at grade school, one of our teachers came up with the brilliant idea of having us all 6 graders do a gymnastics display à-la-spartakiade, and for such feat they chose "Rasputin". So, I was baptised into the world of camp at age 11. It was fantastic, we rehearsed extensively for months, agonised over the costumes until we found the perfect one and premiered or show as the prime event for Mother's Day. 6° grade: live at lunch! It was dark and we had lamps in our hands and so we danced the intricate choreography, it was damn right fantabulous! And I've been hooked to "Rasputin" ever since. There's even some who claim it to be a rather daring and interesting mixture of rhythms, too ahead of its time. For further reading: http://www.stylusmagazine.com/feature.php?ID=1566

Boney M - Rasputin

There lived a certain man in Russia long ago
He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow
Most people looked at him with terror and with fear
But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear
He could preach the bible like a preacher
Full of ecstacy and fire
But he also was the kind of teacher
Women would desire

Ra Ra Rasputin

Lover of the Russian Queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Ra Ra Rasputin
Russia's greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on

He ruled the Russian land and never mind the Czar

But the kasachok he danced really wunderbar
In all affairs of state he was the man to please
But he was real great when he had a girl to squeeze

For the queen he was no wheeler-dealer
Though she'd heard the things he'd done
She believed he was a holy healer
Who would heal her son

Ra Ra Rasputin

Lover of the Russian Queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Ra Ra Rasputin
Russia's greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on

But when his drinking and lusting and his hunger for power
Became known to more and more people,

the demands to do something about this outrageous man became louder and louder.

"This man's just got to go!" declared his enemies

But the ladies begged "Don't you try to do it, please"
No doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charms
Though he was a brute they just fell into his arms
Then one night some men of higher standing
Set a trap, they're not to blame

"Come to visit us" they kept demanding
And he really came

Ra Ra Rasputin

Lover of the Russian Queen
They put some poison into his wine
Ra Ra Rasputin

Russia's greatest love machine
He drank it all and he said "I feel fine"

Ra Ra Rasputin

Lover of the Russian Queen
They didn't quit, they wanted his head
Ra Ra Rasputin

Russia's greatest love machine
And so they shot him till he was dead

Oh, those Russians...

Segona cançó del mes

Segona cançó del mes: "L'Empordà", Enric Morera. És una peça tradicional catalana, una sardana amb una lletra més aviat romàntica i d'exaltació popular, i ben efectiva. Les corals la canten i sona molt bé amb corals grans, i ha estat un dels grans èxits de la coral catalana diumenge passat! Suposo que la gent jove no la coneix gaire bé, però a mi m'agrada força.

Cap a la part del Pirineu
vora els serrats i arran del mar
s'obra una plana riallera,
és l'Empordà!

Digueu companys per on hi aneu,
digueu companys per on s'hi va.
Tot és camí, tot és drecera
Si ens dem la mà.

Salut! Noble Empordà
Salut! Palau del vent!
Portem el cor content i una cançó.

Pels aires s'alçarà
Pels cors penetrarà
Penyora's nirà fent de germanor:
Una cançó!

A dalt de la muntanya hi ha un pastor,
A dintre de la mar hi ha una sirena,
ell canta al dematí que el sol hi és bo,
ella canta les nits de lluna plena

...Ella canta: - Pastor me fas neguit.
Canta el pastor: - Me fas neguit sirena.
La, la-la, la, la-la, la ...

- Si sabessis el mar com és bonic!
- Si sabessis la llum de la carena!
- Si baixessis series mon marit!
- Si hi pugessis ma joia fora plena!
- Si sabessis el mar com és bonic!
- Si sabessis la llum de la carena!

La sirena se feu un xic ençà,
i un xic ençà el pastor de la muntanya.
Fins que es trobraren al bell mig del pla,
i de l'amor plantaren la cabanya:
Fou l'Empordà!

My Love Profile

Capricorn - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:

You are serious about relationships and ready for a commitment.

You tend to help your partner attain the success they dream of.

You are a rock. Relationship problems don't seem to phase you.

Your negative traits:

Sometimes it's very hard for you to accept your parnter's past.

You are emotionally reserved, and difficult to connect with.

You expect your partner to take care of you - and make cheat if they do not

Your ideal partner:

Is incredibly powerful and well respected.

Is often older than you - and could be a superior at work.

Has a good amount of money... or the ability to be rich someday.

Your dating style:

Practical. A "get to know each other" coffee date is just fine by you.

Your seduction style:

Bossy - you like to be the one in charge in the bedroom.

Slow and patient. You know that good sex takes time.

Calculating. You'll use sex to get ahead, if necessary.

Tips for the future:

Open up. A little emotional expression is a good thing in relationships.

Leap before you look. You don't have to run a cost benefit sheet on everyone you date.

Enjoy the now. No need to worry about marriage on the first few dates.

Best place to meet someone online:

eHarmony - they'll automatically match you with someone who's as driven as you are

Best color to attract mate: Dark green

Best day for a date: Saturday

Get your free love profile at Blogthings.

Who Were You In a Past Life?

In a Past Life...
You Were: A Charming Jester.
Where You Lived: Egypt.
How You Died: Suicide.
Who Were You In a Past Life?

dimarts, de novembre 15, 2005


Diumenge no va anar malament, vam tenir un bon èxit al concert de la coral. Vam cantar al antic Palau de l'Arquebisbat de Mèxic capital. Hi vaig arribar amb mal de coll, cansat i sense gaires expectatives per al concert. Primer va cantar la coral d'estudiants del mestre Merino. Ho van fer bé, crec, degut a les seves exquisites interpretacions de música antiga. Però la hostia vam ser nosaltres amb la nostra combinación de les peces nostàlgiques catalanes i nacionalites mexicanes, de no pas el millor gust, però era el que hi va haver. La gent reaccionava molt positivament a totes les peces, només espero que uns vagi bé amb l'evaluación que avui ens faci el director de la coral.

diumenge, de novembre 13, 2005

I still want to be Vladimir

Just the other day I had a couple of hours to spare, so I decided to do a little cleaning up here and there. Something fell from the big closet in my room. It was a box carefully closed so that it would not open. Inside there was no dust, for it had not been opened in years. I found one of the few remaining items I keep from my childhood, a small scrap-book I had mindfully put together between the ages of 12 and 15 perhaps. It's about one person in particular: Vladimir Salnikov. As I posted here elsewhere, he's one of my favorite athletes ever. He swam in the Olympic Games of 1976, 1980 and 1988, won four gold medals. He is best known for being the first man to swim under 15' over 1500 metres, a feat acomplished at the Moscow Olympics before a roaring local crowd. He is then well known for causing pretty much an upset: by 1988 he was considered well past his prime (at age 28) and a non-factor for the 1500 race. He swam a great race and coming from behind outtouched his opponents to capture a thrilling gold medal and so closed brilliantly his amazing career. I remember watching that race in 1988, aged 11, I remember all the fuzz that this Salnikov person caused, I remember how deeply fascinated I was. I remember looking everywhere I could for information about him, his pictures, any data I could put together. Looking at the neatly put together collection of articles, photographs and other memorabilia I can still see that 11 year-old doing it all. I never told anyone in person, I never said this openly, but I wanted to be like Salnikov, I wanted that attention, I wanted to be as cute as he was! I was fascinated by the Russian and the whole halo around him. I wanted his triumphs. I wanted that. I craved for the medals and the records and the anthem and the whole thing. Instead of doing my cleaning I re-read the articles and the rather scholarly notes I took about Salnikov at age 12! It was like a flashback. I remembered our house in Torreón, the constant quarrels between my parents, our dogs, my little sister, the heat, everything, as if I had never grown up at all. It felt weird then. I looked at the picture of that handsome youg man of 1988 only to realise that I still pretty much wanted to be him, in more than one sense. By the way, I'm 28 myself! and sadly, not as acomplished as the Russian legend.

dissabte, de novembre 12, 2005

Cançons del mes

Cada mes posaré al bloc la lletra de tres cançons que m'agradin. Una en català, una altra en anglès, i una tercera en quasevol llengua que vulgui, no necessàriament en castellà.

Primera entrada

"Crucified", Army of Lovers, Warner Brothers/Wea, 1992.

The Army of Lovers was an excentric Swedish bunch of the campest type. They published a number of albums throughout the 1990s to a rather select international audience. Glam, Kitschy and very Fabulous. Perhaps their better-known hit was 1992's club classic "Crucified", there's been PhD dissertations written on the subject. Its casual lyrics about some sort of mystic ascension border on the casual and the blasphemous, which makes it all the more original and entertaining. The video should not be missed. A gay man in the most provocative sense sings about his god-like behaviour!

CRUCIFIED (Bard /Wollbeck /Barda)

I'm crucified
Crucified like my savior
Saint-like behavior
A lifetime I prayed

I'm crucified
For the holy dimension
God-like ascension
Heavens away

I've seen the deepest darkness
And wrestled with gods
Ride the noble harness
Raining cats and dogs
I stand before my maker
Like Moses on the hill
My Guiness record baker
I abide your will

The first of reciters
I saw eternal light
Best of vocal fighters
Beyond human sight
Where thorns are a teaser
I've played a double jeux
Yherushalaim at Easter
I cry I pray mon dieu
I cry I pray mon dieu

I'm crucified
Crucified like my savior
Saint-like behavior
A lifetime I prayed

I'm crucified
For the holy dimension
God-like ascension
Heavens away

Prophets I've been reading
Stories I've been told
Before I end my breathing
I travel in the soul
Where thorns are a teaser
I've played a double jeux
Yherushalaim at easter
I cry I pray mon dieu
I cry I pray mon dieu
I cry I pray mon dieu

Adieu mon dieu

I'm crucified
Crucified like my savior
Saint-like behavior
A lifetime I prayed

I'm crucified
For the holy dimension
God-like ascension
Heavens away

I'm crucified
for the holy dimension
God-like ascension
Heavens away

I'm crucified
Crucified like my savior
Saint-like behavior
A lifetime I prayed

I'm crucified
For the holy dimension
God-like ascension
Heavens away

If I Were a Pornstar...

Your Porn Star Name is: Rodney Rammer

What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

Your Linguistic Profile:

50% General American English
25% Yankee
20% Dixie
5% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern

divendres, de novembre 11, 2005

Barcelona, estiu del 2005

Doncs ara sí, ara si que en puc escriure. Vaig passar uns dies meravellosos a Barna l'estiu del 2005. Ha estat un viatge molt interessant, hi ha hagut de tot. Primer haig de posar en context com me'n vaig anar. Juliol havia estat un mes difícil, havíem rebre la notícia de què la meva neboda potser patia d'una situació horrible al cervell, imagineu-vos-ho, una nena de menys d'un any malalta seriosament! Havia estat estalviant tot l'any, alhora que ajudava la mare amb les seves despeses i tot això, em feia moltíssima il.lusió poder viatja, i de cop i volta les prioritats semblaven d'altre tipus. Després de més d'una consulta, els metges van arribar a la conclusió que es tractava d'una lesió no gaire perillosa i la qual podia ser tractada. Uff. Bueno, després del susto vaig poder pensar en totes les coses del viatge i vaig poder-ne organitzar tot el que calia fer. Vaig arribar a Barna el 21 de juliol. Finalment. Ja era a Catalunya. Hi vaig fer una miqueta de tot: turisme de motxilla, turisme barat, discoteques, restaurants, etc. etc. Les coses negatives: vaig perdre un amic. Hi ha gent que de debó és insensible als altres. Hi ha gent que no arriba a veure quan tenen una joia devant. Hi ha gent, simplement frívola. Així va passar amb Lluís. Una incipient amistat s'ha acabat. Ni modo. El positiu: el meu estimat amic Na, a qui admiro molt va organitzar-se i em va alcançar a Barna. Ens hi ho vam passar pipa, especialment a la nostra excursió a Tarragona. En marxar em va deixar amb una sensació més aviat de buit, però amb la certesa de contar amb un amistat mès enllà de les apariències. També ha estat molt positiu que vaig conèixer un noi... bonic com l'estrella. Que tonto soy, haha. L'Sven, N'Sven. Sí sí sí, ja ho sé, això de caure per un hetero no s'ha de fer. Però que hi puc fer? Ha passat i ja. Un noi alemany, qui ho hauria pensat, eh? Vaig acabar parlant en alemany al meu viatge a Catalunya, el meu rite of passage va acabar sent en alemany! Bueno, una nova motivació per reprendre els estudis de llengua alemanya. I després, tornar a Mèxic va ser difícil. La transició em va costar. Però bueno, s'ha de fer el que s'ha de fer... Barna. La tindré als meus records com a una ciutat calorosa, capritxosa i plena de nois bonics.

El estado de las cosas... hoy

You don't have a boyfriend but you really want
one... But there are a little problem... The
guys are far from you cuz you have a ''wall''
around you but they find you cute! You want
that boys talk to you but you are too close to
talk and laugh with them... The boys know
that you have a ''wall'' then they don't
approach you...They feel that! You are not
self-confident, let's talk and smile at guys,
they like that! Go out of your shell!

Why Don't You Have a Boyfriend?? (now with pics!)
brought to you by

Which Country are You From?


?? Which Country Are You From ??
brought to you by


After many months Aryamarc is baaaack. It's rather uneventful and anticlimatic, though. Many months ago I simply stopped updating or writing anything at all in my blog. Part of it was the total disenchantment I was experiencing, and part of it was just plain lack of interest. The political situation in shitty old Mexico, the overwhelming amount of work I was commissioned to do, and the poor results I got from my Catalan studies could be cited as factors. But who cares anymore! I'm back and ready to indulge in writing and writing and writing. I guess that whoever that was a 'regular' in this blog must have left a long time ago, but who cares. Let's start anew. And let's clear this blog of unwanted messages from here and there. Yours truly, Ary.